Zombies Ate My Neighbors

Single File

Compositor: Single File / Sloan Anderson

Call the neighbor kids,
With trash can lids, and buckets on their heads...
Cuz I'm tellin' you, we're gonna need a little help tonight...

So hey man, check this out:
Downtown's a riot, and somethin's spreadin' through the crowd.
Try channel 9-- I'm pretty sure they're headed straight for this part of town.
I can't be certain, but I swear I hear'em just outside.
There's no way that this is real, so count me in...

Call the neighbor kids,
With trash can lids, and buckets on their heads...
Cuz I'm tellin' you, we're gonna need a little help tonight...

So grab something sharp, find some cover,
Kill the lights, and nail the back door shut.
This isn't funny anymore; oh no, this means war.
Don't take this the wrong way,
But I'd much rather choke and die,
Than sit alone and fall without a fight...

So call the neighbor kids,
With trash can lids, and buckets on their heads...
Cuz I'm tellin' you, we're gonna need a little help tonight...
So call the neighbor kids,
With trash can lids, and buckets on their heads...
Cuz I'm tellin' you, we're gonna need a little help tonight...

And there she was, glaring,
Through olive eyes and chalk-white skin...
I want you to know that I won't be holding back tonight...
She stole my heart.
I'll be taking hers with a lawn dart now,
But look at the bright side:
It's not like she had one there to start...

So grab something sharp, find some cover,
Kill the lights, and nail the back door shut.
This isn't funny anymore; oh no, this means war.
And somethin' tells me, it's gonna be a long night.

Call the neighbor kids,
With trash can lids, and buckets on their heads...
Cuz I'm tellin' you, we're gonna need a little help tonight...
So call the neighbor kids,
With trash can lids, and buckets on their heads...
Cuz I'm tellin' you, we're gonna need a little help tonight...
So call the neighbor kids,
With trash can lids, and buckets on their heads...
Cuz I'm tellin' you, we're gonna need a little help tonight...
So call the neighbor kids,
With trash can lids, and buckets on their heads...
Cuz I'm tellin' you, we're gonna need a little help tonight...

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